Tuesday, July 24, 2007

DNA Perfection

On this web page the autors had give themself an effort to explain our how to begin with DNA Activation proces.
They started from the wery begining so that can even beginner understand about what they are talking about.
The opening words are:
„Imagine if you woke up one morning and realized that you had
dormant superhuman abilities that were waiting to be unleashed.
That once you activated these abilities, you could manifest anything you desired in
your life.......
There is now a process which will allow you to do all these things and more and it is called DNA Activation“

I was thought about what they are talking about, but soon I realized that this is just the begining so I was interested to continue reading furter, and I was amaized that about what they are talking about is not some theoretical occult SF, they rely stand behind evrey line in that text.

They combine the lastest results of modern science and ancient mistical knowledge to explain their theory.
Futher they go even beyond that, and if you do not have open mind or never heard about DNA Activating you will probably wave your hand and say „What a nonsense“ but this is not writen for that kind of people.
This is some kind of occult science, and the true seeker of that kind of knoweladge shall know appreciate evrey writen word.

Go to the DNA Perfection and see for yourself

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Review of aaaaital

These guys are making amateur funy home made youtube videos
They are comedian group from Portugal, and trough this blog they are expressing themself.

On aaaaital you will find some movies that are incredible funny and some of them are not, that depends on individual taste.

The page is simple, few introduction words and the movie clip.
Clips are usaly short about 1 minute, so if you have good internet conection you can watch and laugh :)

Go and see for your self

P.s they also have aaaaital-reviews of other blogs and web pages
Exelent blog, the reviews are short and simple as it can bee, but there evreyone can find some cool sites that shall continue visiting...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Here shall I review bloggs and web pages....